Read Manhwa Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 50 in English: Keep Moving Forward, Never Give Up!
Dark and Light Martial Emperor Synopsis
Yeon Hojeong, the first person to unite the Dark Faction as the leader of the Unorthodox faction, worked together with the Orthodox Faction to get through the chaos of the Three Cults. However, he died sooner than he should have because he was caught in Alliance Leader Murim's foul plan.
"This is really my home!"
When he opened his eyes, he was in the supposedly collapsed Yeon Clan, a place he could never forget.
"I will not make a mistake this time, not again."
Determined to prevent the collapse of his family and a turbulent future because of the Three Cults, he embarked on an endless journey! This is the struggle of Yeon Hojeong, the eldest son to unite the murim world.
Read Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 50 in English
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