Friday 20th of September 2024

Read Black Chain Chapter 8 Eng Scan This is How to Win Solan's Heart

Read Black Chain Chapter 8 Eng Scan This is How to Win Solan's Heart


MangaScan - If you like action and adventure comics, maybe this comic is perfect for you! Here we will provide info about Read Black Chain Chapter 8 Eng Scan that you need to see below.

Many people often spend their free time reading comics because it's easy and affordable. Moreover, with the advancement of technology, you can easily find your favorite comics.

If you are already waiting for the release of this comic, you can immediately see the full discussion that we can explain in the following article. Make sure you always update quickly!

Read more: Link Manhwa Black Chain Chapter 7 English Scan Hasolan's Brutal Rage

Read more: Reading Link Black Chain Full Chapter English Scan The Story of Lupel The Achelans Black Dragon

Read more: Reading Link  I Became An Evolving Space Monster Chapter 42 English Scan The Peak is Back

Synopsis of Manhwa Black Chain


Emperor of the 'Lupel' Empire, the black dragon Achelans.
Hasolan fell in love with Achelans at first sight and devoted herself to him for 14 years, but was ultimately abandoned without receiving anything in return.
Lamenting her past life, she hung herself with the silk given by the emperor, but she woke up on a train heading to Yongyeon, where she first met a dragon 14 years ago.

No matter what she did, Hasolan Odair kept returning to 'that day' 14 years ago.
In the end, she had to face the man who sadly abandoned her.
However, the black dragon that woke up Achelans was not someone she knew.

"You are my friend."
"If you don't like it, you won't be the emperor either."

The emperor, who had been so cold and calm, now flashed his golden eyes and refused to let go.
